This Special Feature is a courtesy of:
*Ready babes? ;)*
Jeng jeng jeng! Xanadu brings to you Ms Loud in HOT PINK!
Whatttt?!! Can't you hear it already? It screams STYLE, no? ;)
The Star Boogey reminds me of the Boogey Man! :P
Only this isn't scary but very flattering in fact, yeah?
The picture just doesn't do enough justice to the colours.
They come in dark navy blue and also oak brown! :D
Here in Australia, everyone's hitting the gym. It's the IN thing.
But I notice that they bring along with them really awful bags.
I believe we Malaysians have better fashion sense, eh? :P
Futurama Mama is the perfect bowling bag to bring around, no?
Be it to style your way to the gym, or for a casual movie outing!
Sling Fling comes in three glossy colours - blue, purple, grey!
But purple's my favourite among the lot! Sooo pweeety! :D
It's really simple, but sometimes that's all we need, right?
Absolutely loving how the bag shines out in the dark.
With a hint of glitter, and a beautiful flower detail,
it goes perfectly well with your elegant dress, agreed? :D

Not just bags alone, they have earrings too! *beams gleefully*
A whole wide range of them in fact! Woohoo! Excited much?
The above collage is only a compilation of couple of them. :D
Had a headache picking which to feature cox they're all pretty!
For more choices, hurry up and head over to
Xanadu already!
Wait! Hang on, hang on! I'm not done quite yet. *giggles*
Babes!!! Isn't this like the sweetest thing on earth? :D
Can somebody please unlock my heart and get me this?
As a tiny token of appreciation, perhaps? *big puppy eyes*
Of course, they have a special promotion just for you! ;)
It's awesome isn't it, being Miss TLF's readers? *giggles*
The first 5 customers will get the bag(s) at the discounted price!
And will be surprised with a mystery gift & FREE postage! :D
Yummeh steal, no?! The early bird catches the worm, girls!
But if you're more of a tortoise, FRET NOT alright? *chill*
You'll be entitled to discounted price & free postage too. ;)
But that's provided you buy 2 bags or above before 1st May 09!
To be entitled for the promotion, just yell at the top of your voice: