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Thursday, April 30, 2009

The First. :)

Based on the poll I set up a month ago,
the first ever XOXO Award goes to...

Oozora Tang!!!

With a whooping landslide votes of 47%!!!

Congratulations, Oozora Tang!!!

To the rest of the nominees, thank you for participating in Miss TLF's infamous XOXO Award. Though you did not collect enough votes to win the award this time around, but there are many more months to come, so you can work harder the next time you get nominated.

I'm sure there'll be a chance for all of you. But of course, with a tiny lil' favour - BRING IN MORE PRETTY BAGS! ;) So yeappie, the next batch of nominees will be announced shortly. Either tonight or tomorrow yeah? Keep your fingers crossed! ;)

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