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Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Remember this monkeeeey?

Yes, this cheerful epi-hepi-happie monkeeeeh! :D

Remember I mentioned a month ago that this Buy Now, Pay Later campaign was supposed to end originally on the 30th November 2009? But guess what?

They've extended it up until the 18th December 2009! Babes, you have 3 days left to take advantage of this unlimited installment plan!

Isn't it cool you get to pay as many installments as you like, as long as the final payment is made by 31st January 2010? ;)

Yes babes, it can be any of these beauty:


I know right, it's such an awesome deal!
What are you waiting for, my darls? ;D

The place to be YET AGAIN:

Bags Kaki

Don't you just love them? I do! Terribly much indeed! :D

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