I do.
Who hates it when they use the razor shaver, their underarm hair grows out pokey?
I do.
Who wants to be able to pluck off their underarm hair without using neither the manual tweezer or razor shaver because you're lazy and hates pokey hair?
OMG, I DO!!! ...... But how?
I've used the WIZZIT for a couple of months now, and every single time I use it, the more I adore this little gadget. Hence, this post.
Plucking your underarm hair can really be a pain in the ass sometimes, because it gives you a sore neck after you're done.
Using the razor shaver is really kinda pointless because your underarm hair starts growing back up the next day itself... And worst still, it grows out POKEY!!!
The Wizzit is one of the best product that I've reviewed so far, and I urge all of you girls out there to get one for yourself too! ;)

Hop straight to Supermodel's Secrets to purchase one already! ;)