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Monday, June 7, 2010

Let's Polk-a-Dot!

EDIT: Hurry! 3 more days left for you to place your order! :D

I don't know how many of you read my personal blog too, but if you have, you would have came across my blog post titled Let's Polk-a-Dot! I've received several good comments on my toga lacey dress on Facebook and it totally made my day! :D

After an email I received yesterday asking me to sell it, I decided...
Okay this is it, I'm going to bring this dress in for you girls too!!! :D

I went to the store earlier this afternoon to check if it's available. Good news is, YES IT IS STILL AVAILABLE! But bad news is, there are only three sizes left: UK10, UK12 and UK14.

The inner layer of the dress is cotton, where as the outer layer is mesh with diamante polka dots design. It is smoked back, and has a zip on the left hand side.

And this is a close-up of the toga ribbon. :D

I bought mine for $20, multiply that by 3, that's RM60!!!
But it's on sales now so you're getting yours for RM45. ;)

Oh oh oh, by the way, postage is not included yeah?
Pos Laju: RM6/ West Msia & RM8/ East Msia. :D

If you pay on the same day u made your order,
you get your dress at a promotional rate - RM40.
This promotion is valid only until 12am, 2nd June.

I'll be taking in orders until the 9th June 2010.
All payment has to be made by 10th June 2010.

You'll be able to get your dress only in July.
So you gotta take this sorta like a pre-order.

As there are limited numbers of dresses left,
it'll be on a first pay first serve basis alright?

If you're interested, you know the drill, babes!

Contact Number:
Item: Toga Lacey Dress
Size: UK 10/12/14

Email me the order form at iamtlf@live.com!

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