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Thursday, February 5, 2009

RM10 Hair Treatment! :D

Fancy any of these bags, babes? ;)

Then, make a regular purchase at AliceWonders.com and earn yourself a Hair Treatment voucher. Yes, hair treatment! *winkwink* The original price of the hair treatment is RM65, but with this awesome voucher from AliceWonders.com, you've gotta fish out only RM10!

Can you believe it? But believe it or not, it's true true true! :) Just in time for Valentine's Day or some last minute open house CNY dinner! Impress your man, darlings. Strut along with your new bag and sleek tresses! :D

If you're single, like me, it's all fine either. Do not fret and get all wrinkly! There's even more advantages for us. Get men out there to notice us and flirt with whoever you want! ;)

Click here for more info! :)

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