Item: Serene Ballerina Flat Sequin
Colour: White
Price: RM55
Wheeee! More flats for the feet! So gorgeous, no? :)
Too much high heels ain't good for your body posture.

Item: X-ray
Colour: As shown above
Price: RM35
OMG! So kewl! Look, there's a gun! Hahaha!
Go fool those custom people in the airport.
Haha, don't blame me if you get caught okie?

Item: Cassette Bag
Colour: As shown above
Price: RM38
They are considering whether or not to bring in these simple yet unique bags, so if you hit them with plenty of emails telling them how much you adore both this X-ray and Cassette bag, they might bring in more of these kind for you! :D

Item: XOXO
Colour: As shown above
Price: RM15
Definitely make a good Christmas pressie for your loved ones.
So sweet, so lovey-dovey, so stitched! I just adore handmade stuffs!

Item: Cowie, Piggie, Hippo
Colour: As shown above
Price: RM10
I totally adore Lil Piggie! Can someone like get it for me already! :P
we have Lovely Stitches to second up already! :D Can't help going AWWW!
I really really envy these people, can! So creative one. *boohoo*
God, why am I not born as creative as them? Why, oh why? :'(
But never mind, I can still customize my own design with them.
Thank goodness for e-shopping, my best daily therapy ever! :D