I'm sorry babes for the lack of updates. I've been really busy..... Packing!!!
I'm heading back to Melbourne in 5 days time and gosh, the mess is mad.
I've got way too much clothes, and boots to bring back. Le sighhhh! (-_-)"
But I can't decide which to leave behind cox I obviously love everything.
Oh dear! And the last minute meeting up with friends too. Too lil time.
I promise I'll try to update either tomorrow or the day after, alright huns?
In the mean time, just hang in there Mr. Luggage. Don't go kaboom on me!!

May the
Year of the Tiger bring to you and your loved ones
the best of
luck and
prosperity yeah!! :) :) :)
I'll be a tad busy for the following few days, so as many blogshop owners, thus resulting in a slowdown on the updates. Will be back as soon as most of the blogshop owners resume their business. Hopefully they'll bring in yummeh goodies for us yeah? *cough*bags*cough*
Don't yoy love those tiger prints speedy bag already? Rawrrr!!!
Vintage. Studdy. Trendy. Fullstop.
Some bling bling to match your bewtifoool glittery cheong sam? ;)
Woots, that's one fierce bag you see on top! Snakey~
And that's one exclusive furry bag to boot, babes! ;)
How I adore the pink stripey candy bag already!
Love love love that vintage bag on the left.
Why? Cox they have a heart-shaped lock. :P
Some big brands from the USA at a slash babes! ;)
Among them are, uh hem... *hint*Nine West*hint*
Would you prefer a sling? Or a handbag? Or a clutch?
If you have OCD in deciding just like I do...
What you can do it buy all 5 colours. Ha, joking! :P
I try narrowing two to my top 2 fav then decide from there.
But of course I take like forever to decide. Teeheehee.
Chanel inspired bags babe, if you haven't already got one.
And there you go, more zebra/tiger prints for you! :D
Almost or maybe totally similar to above Rockstar's Closet.
But it seems they have an extra choice of colour?
Not sure about the price though, you should check it out. ;)
Currently sold out, but possibly restockable?
I love love love prints like that.
Reminds me of Tommy Hilfiger.
B1 says, "Do you see what I see, B2?" ;)
B2 says, "I do, I do, I see very very pretty bags!"
OH DEAR!!! Very very pretty dot com!!! *melts*
Anyone into fursssss? Or anything glossy to steal attention? ;D
Are you still into fringes? Or bright neon colours?
Or would you prefer a all-chuck-in huge bag? :D
And babes, more quilts for you girls can!
Bucket bags-cum-backpack! Cool right? ;)
They have in store bags from luxury brands.
From Gucci to Fendi to Kate Spade to Coach. ;)
There you go, uni's starting and you need a new bag! :D