Is there anyone who's a Coach lover here?
Yes you, with your hands high up in the air!
They not only bring in pretty awesome shoes, babes!
Look what else Orange Little brought in store for us?
And they're totally affordable, alright?
Definitely cheaper than in stores, babes! ;)
So what's the next step, Miss TLF?
Aiyoyo! Still need to ask one meh?
HOP OVER LAH! What else? :P
Unique vintagey bags in sweet pink shades! :D
Of course, they have different colours for each design.
Interested? Hop over via the link I provided above. ;)
Absolutely adore the top right bags - esp in brown! :D
Another two MUST-HAVE bags to add on your list.
Not your typical messenger bag, babes!
Apparently retails at bout HK650-1000!
Wahsei! That's about RM300-500 babes!
And you can get it for RM119! STEAL!!!!!!!!
Any crocodile fans here? Opps, I meant Lacoste! :P
OMG OMG OMG! Classy and UBER trendy!!!
Oh dear oh my, where can you get this sweetie?
Guess how long it took me to open all these blogshops' pages?
And how long it took me to re-upload this picts? 3 DAYS!!!
I am so pissed with my line, it took me days to finish a post.
I know it sucks coming to a reviewer blog to find no updates.
My bad! So sorry girls for the lack of updates! I really am! :(
I walk on the streets and I see numerous girls with vintage bags! :)
They just add on an edge to your outfit that spells trendy! I LIKE!
Leopard prints + Vintagey bag = STYLISH!!! ;D
We don't see this much, but trust me, it goes well with Spring dresses.
Wanna learn how to match these bags? Go read
Cheeserland! Hehe. :D
Two-in-One + 3-in-1 = AWESOMENESS!!! :D
Don't get what I mean by that? Fret not I explain!
Two in One cox you can switch sides for two designs.
And 3 in 1 cox you can carry it in three different ways!
Clutch, Shoulder or Sling it, anything you like. Nice kan?
If you want to look professional and trendy, go for this, babes!
I SEE VARIETIES!!! I have a love-hate relationship with choices.
I like almost everything, I always have a hard time narrowing it down.
But yet at the same time, I like having more to choose my favourite. :P
Snakey print, quilt or studs. Which fashion language you speak? :D

Big or Small, it's your choice! :D
Long Champ inspired bags in three different sizes.
I see the quilts haven't gone anywhere far yeah? :P
I like the blue one most, cox so small and adorable, no? :P
And it has a vintagey-touch to it yeah? Goes with dresses!
LEOPARD PRINTS! And red big bow!
Goes oh-so-very-well lor I reckon! YUM!
Wu la la la~ Look at those bags! I AM SO DROOLING!!!
ARGH, I want one for each design naoooo!!! HOW LE? ($.$)"
What do you do when you see pretty bags? I go nuts! @.@
I particularly adore the top black/brown ones! GOLD ZIPS!