xoxo, I Want Bags
I've always wanted a laptop bag for my baby.
And lookie, these are so pretty. Yummeh!!! :D
I can't decide which to choose. *headache*
I can't decide which to choose. *headache*
The bow or the heart shaped zipper? Which?
xoxo, The Blaq Magik Lovers
Classy and elegant for casual or to work. ;)

xoxo, Lovely Closet
Do you spot something here, huns?
LEOPARD SPOTS!!! *lameee* :P
xoxo, I Love Ewe
Back to the old school fashion! ;P
xoxo, Twenty Bow Boutique
Red red red red red! I see red.
Trendy bag for CNY babes! :D

xoxo, Ultimate Dazzle
Oh no, oh my, oh geez!!! So pretty!!! *beams*
Comes in 5 colours for you to choose from. :D
Comes in 5 colours for you to choose from. :D
xoxo, Eve's Leaves
That top left bag makes me wanna hug it.
Looks so soft and plushy. Teehee. *small girl*
xoxo, My Handbag Hooks
Don't wanna leave your bag on the floor?
Can't fit your bag behind your seat? Oh no.
Don't get frustrated because babes....
Handbag hooks are out to save the day! ;D